Business and Zen

Business and Zen

How positive thinking builds your skills Years ago, I had a life-changing moment. After my knee surgery, I was stuck in my bed, in pain. Healing was a challenge, and in one month I was back on track. It was an amazing recovery, and I thought I could face every situation. So why, years later, it was so difficult to …

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Where is your life going? A shortlist to start changing your life. Have you ever felt the feeling of heading nowhere, struggling for a change? If so, try to make a life map, writing down important details about your life. This method can help you decide what you would like to do in the future. In this article, I will …

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Italia: prezzo dell’elettricità ai massimi storici

Il Prezzo Unico Nazionale (PUN) a luglio 2021 ha raggiunto i 102,66€/MWh, segnando un + 107% rispetto allo stesso periodo 2020. A darne notizia è il GME (Gestore mercati energetici) nel suo aggiornamento mensile. Il rialzo del PUN in parte asseconda il nuovo boom dei consumi che, lasciatisi alle spalle le restrizioni dei primi mesi di pandemia, hanno ripreso a …

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