Business and Zen

Business and Zen

How positive thinking builds your skills Years ago, I had a life-changing moment. After my knee surgery, I was stuck in my bed, in pain. Healing was a challenge, and in one month I was back on track. It was an amazing recovery, and I thought I could face every situation. So why, years later, it was so difficult to …

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Empathy In The Workplace

Empathy In The Workplace

Or how the previous generation is responsible for millennials’ failures. Managers are leaders that should help employees be at their natural best. Their main feature is empathy, so what’s wrong with modern management? How do people become managers? People usually become managers if they are good at their job. This sounds great, but pay attention not to fall into the …

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QUIET QUITTING: what is quiet quitting and why it’s happening

What is quiet quitting? With 10 million hashtags on TikTok, “quiet quitting” is the latest trend and a mirror of our times. But what does it mean? In practice, one works as much as he needs to, avoiding overtime or extras, in order not to get sucked into a hyperactivity and hyper-reactivity system. Quiet quitting was stimulated by smart working …

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Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

My daughter started school one month ago. It was lovely seeing this bunch of motivated kids, with overwhelming energy, and sparkle in their eyes. Then, coming back home, I saw teenage students waiting for the bell. The atmosphere was completely different. Some of them were looking at their mobile, others were chatting, but few were happy. As a father, I …

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