Creating good habits

Creating good habits

Let us start with a familiar situation. On holiday you have discovered that ‘Italians are understood everywhere‘ is just a myth. We need languages to communicate, and you decide to learn English when you get home. It seems easy on social media! All you have to do is watch TV series and do five minutes of practice a day, maybe …

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Hikikomori ひきこもり

A new way of “life” Hikikomori, from Hiki “to withdraw” and Komori “to be inside”, was first observed in Japan during the ‘90s, when the economic “ice age” prevented young people from achieving their goals. Anxiety helped Hikikomori spreads among students and workers, and today a million people worldwide are affected. The core features are being isolated at home and …

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Energie rinnovabili e mercato libero dell’energia

Mercato libero ed energie rinnovabili Il mercato libero dell’energia è un sistema che permette ai consumatori di scegliere liberamente il proprio fornitore di energia elettrica e il prezzo da pagare per l’energia acquistata. Già questo breve incipit spiega quanto conviene passare al mercato libero piuttosto che rimanere al tutelato. Ma non è l’unica motivazione che giustificherà il passaggio. Questo mercato …

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